Inhale confidence. Exhale doubt.

What is your Soul story in 140 characters or less?

By incorporating mind, body and soul -I create an emotional connection through motivational coaching and inspirational messaging.

Describe your class to give your riders a sense of what to expect.

Fun, athletic, and energizing. You’ll sweat to classic rock, current pop hits and memorable mashups no matter your age or fitness level.

How do you motivate riders to push themselves?

I'll help you push outside your comfort zone through visualization, positive mantras and motivating music.

Upcoming Classes

Sun 7/28 - 9:30 AM
Rye Brook
Mon 7/29 - 9:30 AM
Rye Brook
Tue 7/30 - 9:30 AM
Rye Brook
See full schedule

Outside the Studio

What's your Soul Story?

Martha brings her seasoned SOUL to SoulCycle with more than 25 years in the fitness industry. Combining her athleticism with her background in fitness she inspires her riders through her motivational coaching. With classic rock remixes, current pop hits, and memorable mash-ups, you’ll be inspired every ride - finding you’re better and stronger than you ever thought you could be.

SoulCycle on the go

SoulCycle on the go

Download the SoulCycle app for iPhone and AndroidNEW
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SoulCycle iphone and android appsSoulCycle iphone and android apps