Have big dreams, you'll grow into them.

Favorite Artist


Go-To Karaoke Song

No Scrubs by TLC

Celebrity Who Embodies your Inner Rockstar

Sailor Moon

Soul Destination

A yacht

Favorite Dance Move on the Bike

Double tap back body roll

Guilty Pleasure

The Real Housewives of all the cities

Upcoming Classes

Sat 7/27 - 10:45 AM
Sat 7/27 - 12:45 PM
Union Street
Mon 7/29 - 9:30 AM
Palo Alto
See full schedule

Marissa's playlist

What's your Soul Story?

Marissa hails from Los Angeles, California, bringing energy to every class. A self-proclaimed "Hype-Queen," Marissa has beenn athlete all of her life (competing nationally in volleyball and medaling in Junior Olympics). Marissa was in search of a way to combine her love for the performing arts with her passion for team athletics. SoulCycle was proof that the dream of experiencing her two passions combined was obtainable. After graduating from San Francisco State University with a business degree in marketing and wanting more, she found and pursued SoulCycle. Marissa brings the strength and sass of her Taurus self to each class ensuring a party on the bike every time.

SoulCycle on the go

SoulCycle on the go

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