"Be yourself because everyone else is taken."

What is your Soul story in 140 characters or less?

I was in New York Visiting a friend for the weekend in 2016. He took me to my first class in West Village with Kaili. The rest is history.

Describe your class to give your riders a sense of what to expect.

Expect to step out of your comfort zone in the best way possible, and leave feeling mentally and physically stronger.

How do you motivate riders to push themselves?

I remind them that they have already won, and this is a celebration.

Upcoming Classes

Tue 10/08 - 6:00 AM
Tue 10/08 - 9:30 AM
Wed 10/09 - 9:45 AM
Rittenhouse Square
See full schedule

Keith's playlist

What's your Soul Story?

Born in the city of brotherly love, Keith brings his passion for fitness, infectious personality, and work ethic to every ride. As a former track-and-field athlete and now coach at his former high school Cheltenham, Keith is all about bringing people together and working as a team to help you reach your goals. Keith believes if we work together, nothing is impossible — it's only a matter of time.

SoulCycle on the go

SoulCycle on the go

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