The longest road out is the shortest road home.

Favorite Artist


Go-To Karaoke Song

"It's All Coming Back To Me Now" - Celine Dion

Celebrity Who Embodies your Inner Rockstar

Kevin McCallister

Soul Destination

Madison Square Garden

Favorite Dance Move on the Bike

An ooey gooey hill

Guilty Pleasure


Upcoming Classes

Sat 7/27 - 8:30 AM
See full schedule

LK's playlist

What's your Soul Story?

LK brings her spunky SOUL from New York City. She grew up a dancer, always relating to all things movement and music. Her class is all about connection and community. LK believes with the power of positivity and unapologetic perseverance you have the means to possess any moment you want.

SoulCycle on the go

SoulCycle on the go

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