Work Hard. Have Fun. Love Life.

The Music

Electronic, Hip Hip/R&B, Alternative

The Energy

Uplifting, Party, Passionate

The Messaging

Real, Positive, Spiritual

The Workout

Athletic, Signature Choreography, Accessible

Fun Fact

I was a competition figure skater.

Astrological Sign

Aries Sun, Scorpio Rising, Libra Moon

Upcoming Classes

Tue 1/14 - 7:00 AM
Coral Gables
Tue 1/14 - 10:30 AM
South Beach
Wed 1/15 - 9:30 AM
Coral Gables
See full schedule

Outside the Studio

Allison's playlist

What's your Soul Story?

A former competitive figure skater and basketball player, Allison brings a combination of grace and athleticism to the bike. She describes herself as having an old soul with an inner rockstar-- both aspects reveal themselves during her class. Allison's class inspires others to find their most healthy, happy and authentic version of themselves. What to expect in 45 minutes with her: eclectic beats, sweaty bodies and good vibes!

SoulCycle on the go

SoulCycle on the go

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