James J.
I may not make a good impression, but I will make a lasting one.

What is your Soul story in 140 characters or less?

When Khloe Kardashian asked me to become a SoulCycle Instructor I said, “yes.” And the rest is history…

Describe your class to give your riders a sense of what to expect.

My class is part entertainment and part inclusive fitness — come as you are. Also, expect me to not know the lyrics to anything.

How do you motivate riders to push themselves?

From day one, my goal has been to make these classes feel like a community. You’re in this with your neighbor…not against them.

Upcoming Classes

Fri 9/20 - 7:00 AM
West 77th Street
Fri 9/20 - 9:30 AM
West 77th Street
Sat 9/21 - 9:30 AM
West 77th Street
See full schedule

James J.'s playlist

What's your Soul Story?

James brings his quirky SOUL from the heart of the South where everything - including the ego - is bigger: Texas. Do not be fooled by the Southern Charm, as James' workout packs a powerful punch. Since starting his journey at Soul, James has discovered what can be done together - as a family - with the lights down low, the music up high, and our hearts wide open.

SoulCycle on the go

SoulCycle on the go

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