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Our Rider Code of Conduct: Ensuring a welcoming experience for everyone.

These are the standards and expectations of our riders. We create the space for people from all dimensions of diversity to come together in an environment that is accepting, inclusive, and free of hate. When you enter through our doors, please do so with love and compassion.

SoulCycle Rider Code of Conduct

SoulCycle is… 

A respectful sanctuary. 

This is our Soul sanctuary. We ask that you show respect to our studio crew instructors, our spaces and equipment. Respect the privacy of your fellow riders. Everyone’s journey and experience is unique. Please be mindful and do your part to maintain an environment where boundaries are stated, respected and upheld– both physically, digitally and otherwise. Use language that is inclusive, respectful, and considerate towards others. Avoid making derogatory or offensive remarks based on someone’s body, gender, or any other physical characteristics.

A place to feel grounded.

When you’re here, you’re immersed in the moment. We pride ourselves on cultivating an environment where you can disconnect from the outside world and connect with something deeper. This is your time to focus on you. Feel the energy of the room and let go. 

Leave your phone in your locker and set your smartwatch to “theater mode” to avoid distracting other riders around you. If you’re waiting on an important phone call, please let our front desk crew and instructors know and they will notify you in the event of an emergency. 

A place to build connections and celebrate.  

We have built a space that belongs to everyone. Smiles, high-fives, sweaty hugs, milestone celebrations, and dance bombs are just a few of the ways that we enjoy showing up for our community. We also embrace honesty, integrity, accountability and we encourage each other to have the courage to speak up when something doesn’t feel right. 

Help us foster a welcoming and supportive atmosphere. Encourage inclusivity, kindness, and acceptance among all riders. If you encounter any behavior that violates this code of conduct or makes you uncomfortable, please do not hesitate to report it to a member of the front desk crew or reach out to We are committed to addressing any concerns promptly and ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. 

A safe place for everyone. 

When you enter our studios, please do so with love, authenticity, compassion, and empathy. Any physical or verbal harassment, acts or threats of violence, or any discrimination whatsoever will not be tolerated and may result in a ban from our spaces. 

A place for expression. 

SoulCycle is a place where we encourage ourselves and others to tap into feel-good feelings and share joy amongst our community. We invite you to show up just as you are, whomever you are. Please ensure you respect your fellow riders journey by refraining from distracting behavior, such as loud conversations,  during class. 

We create the space for people to choose what feels good.

Find the feeling from your Soul.

SoulCycle on the go

SoulCycle on the go

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